ComputerName Initialization Variable

Sets a user-specified computer name for optional display of checked-out files in the file pane of VSS Explorer.


ComputerName = computer name string


Sets your computer name to AccountingMachine1:

ComputerName = AccountingMachine1


Spaces are allowed in the computer name; quotation marks are not necessary to delimit the string.

VSS displays the computer name in the Check Out Directory column of VSS Explorer. However, VSS cannot obtain the computer name information when running on MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, or the Macintosh. On these platforms, VSS retrieves the computer name from the ComputerName variable and uses it in the VSS Explorer display. If no computer name is specified with this variable, VSS cannot display the computer name.

You can assign the ComputerName variable value to an environment variable if desired. For example, (on MS-DOS).

ComputerName = %COMPUTERNAME% 

The % character instructs VSS to read the environment variable to determine the name of the computer.

Note   The ComputerName variable is ignored by Windows NT and Windows 95. These platforms always retrieve the computer name from the operating system itself.