
The VarFileInfo structure depicts the organization of data in a file-version resource. This structure is not a true C-language structure because it contains variable-length members. This structure was created solely to depict the organization of data in a version resource and does not appear in any of the header files shipped with the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit (SDK).

The VarFileInfo structure contains version information not dependent on a particular language and code page combination.

VarFileInfo { 
    WORD  wLength; 
    WORD  wValueLength; 
    WORD  wType; 
    WCHAR szKey[]; 
    WORD  Padding[]; 
    Var   Children[]; 


Specifies the length, in bytes, of the entire VarFileInfo block, including all structures indicated by the Children member.
This member is always equal to zero.
Specifies the type of data in the version resource. This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data.
Contains the Unicode string "VarFileInfo".
Contains as many zero words as necessary to align the Children member on a 32-bit boundary.
Specifies a Var structure that typically contains a list of languages that the application or DLL supports.


The Children member of the VS_VERSIONINFO structure may contain zero or one VarFileInfo structures.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.

See Also

File Installation Library Overview, File Installation Library Structures, Var, VS_VERSIONINFO