System Configuration

Several functions are specifically intended to describe or change the system configuration. At startup, for example, a computer is assigned the name listed in the registry. An application can retrieve this name by using the GetComputerName function and can change the name by using the SetComputerName function. SetComputerName changes the registry, not the current computer name. As a result, the new name is not assigned until the computer is restarted. For more information about the registry, see Registry.

The GetUserName function retrieves the name of the user currently logged onto the system. The user name is either the logon name or the user's full name, if the latter is included in the registry.

The GetSystemInfo function retrieves processor and memory information, such as the page size, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) identifier, number and type of processors, application address range, and so on. The IsProcessorFeaturePresent function retrieves information about the floating-point operations and instruction sets supported by the processor.

The GetCurrentHwProfile function retrieves information about the hardware profile. The hardware profile includes information such as the docking state, globally unique identifier (GUID), and display name for the profile. The GetKeyboardType function retrieves such information as the type of keyboard and the number of function keys on the current keyboard.