RTP Source Filter

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This filter acts as a source of RTP packets in a DirectShow filter graph (it is a sink in relation to the network) for a single RTP session. It exposes a single output pin which is of type MEDIATYPE_RTP_Multiple_Stream /MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_Mixed, and it delivers both RTP and RTCP data on this pin. This filter performs no processing on the RTP data it receives apart from tracking necessary information for generating RTP Receiver Reports. All RTP packets received are immediately delivered downgraph with no re-ordering or buffering performed.

This filter exposes an application interface for controlling an RTP session. Attributes of this interface include the session description used in generating RTCP SDES reports and the address and port to send RTP streams and RTCP reports. This filter uses DirectShow notifications to indicate asynchronous events such as socket errors and reception of new RTCP reports.