
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Silence Suppressor filter detects silence in an audio stream and only delivers packets that are nonsilent.

Default ValuesdwPreplayBufferTime 1 (tenths of a second)
dwPostplayBufferTime 1 (tenths of a second)
dwRunningAverageTime 5 (tenths of a second)
dwAverageIncrementor 2 (percent of highest possible peak)
dwEchoThreshold 8 (percent of highest possible peak)
EnergyFunc FALSE (false = user peak; true = user average.)


Silence Suppression Class IDs

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.

ISilenceSuppressor Methods Description
GetPreplayBufferTime Retrieves time (in tenths of a second) to play prior to delivery of a non-silent buffer.
SetPreplayBufferTime Sets time (in tenths of a second) to play prior to delivery of a non-silent buffer.
GetPostplayBufferTime Retrieves time (in tenths of a second) to play after the nonsilent buffer(s).
SetPostplayBufferTime Sets time (in tenths of a second) to play after the nonsilent buffer(s).
GetRunningAverageTime Retrieves time interval (in tenths of a second) for calculation of sample buffer average energy.
SetRunningAverageTime Sets time interval (in tenths of a second) for calculation of sample buffer average energy.
GetAverageIncrementor Retrieves a pointer to the incrementor for the running average.
SetAverageIncrementor Sets the incrementor for the running average.
GetEchoThreshold Retrieves the echo threshold, which is used in defining "silence" for a buffer.
SetEchoThreshold Sets the echo threshold.
GetUseAverageEnergyFunction Gets pointer to average energy function.
SetUseAverageEnergyFunction Sets average energy function.