[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This is a provider-specific COM interface for the conference blob component. It provides the following functionality:

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.

IDispatch Methods Description
GetTypeInfoCount Retrieves the number of type information interfaces.
GetTypeInfo Retrieves the type information for an object.
GetIDsOfNames Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer DISPIDs.
Invoke Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.

ITSdp Methods Description
get_IsValid Validates the SDP blob for structure and field values.
get_ProtocolVersion Gets the SDP protocol version.
get_SessionId Gets the 32bit NTP value that serves as the session id (ULONG). This is generated automatically when the session is created.
get_SessionVersion Gets the 32bit (ideally NTP) value that serves as the session version (ULONG). Although this is generated automatically when the session is created, the user is responsible for changing this when the SDP is modified.
put_SessionVersion Sets session version.
get_MachineAddress Gets the machine address of the originating host (BSTR).
put_MachineAddress Sets the machine address of the originating host (BSTR).
get_SessionName Gets the session name (BSTR). This has to be an ASCII convertible string if the character set is ASCII. (It can be any BSTR string otherwise.)
put_SessionName Sets the session name.
get_SessionInfo Gets the session information (BSTR). This has to be an ASCII convertible string if the character set is ASCII. (It can be any BSTR string otherwise.)
put_SessionInfo Sets the session information.
get_Uri Gets the URI (BSTR). A URI is a Universal Resource Identifier as used by WWW clients. This URI should be a pointer to additional information about the session.
put_Uri Sets the URI.
GetEmailNames Gets array of email names and addresses associated with conference blob. These are passed as a VARIANT.
SetEmailNames Sets array of email names and addresses associated with conference blob. These are passed as a VARIANT.
GetPhoneNumbers Gets the phone numbers. These are passed as a VARIANT.
SetPhoneNumbers Sets the phone numbers. These are passed as a VARIANT.
get_CharacterSet Gets the character set used for the SessionName and SessionInfo properties.
put_CharacterSet Sets the character set used for the SessionName and SessionInfo properties.
get_UserName Get user name.
put_UserName Set user name.
get_MediaCollection Get pointer to ITMediaCollection interface for conference.
get_TimeCollection Get pointer to ITTimeCollection interface for conference.