Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
A completely digital telephone/telecommunications network for carrying voice, data, images, and video at high speed by sending digitally encoded signals at speeds of up to 144,000 bps on Basic Rate Interface (BRI-ISDN) lines and much higher on Primary Rate Interface (PRI-ISDN) lines. ISDN is composed of at least three channels and as many as 32 channels, for simultaneous, independently operated transmission of voice and data. See also Basic Rate Interface (BRI-ISDN), Primary Rate Interface (PRI-ISDN).
inverse multiplexing
The process whereby bandwidth enables a call to transmit more information at the same time in the same timeframe than information from a single signal transmitted over a single channel. This is accomplished by splitting a single high-speed channel into multiple signals, transmitting the multiple signals over multiple facilities operating at a lower rate than the original signal, and then recombining the separately transmitted portions into the original signal at the original rate. See also bandwidth.
See Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).