Tip 36: Terminating a Running Application from Within Visual Basic

Created: March 1, 1995


From within a Visual Basic® application, you can terminate another Windows®-based application that is currently running. To do this, you send a WM_CLOSE command to the running application. This terminates the program just as if you had clicked on the Close command in the application's control menu. This article explains how you can terminate a program from within a Visual Basic application.

Terminating Running Applications

There are several steps you need to perform in your Visual Basic® program before you can successfully terminate a running application.

First, you need to determine the running application's window handle. This can be done by calling theWindows® application programming interface (API) FindWindow function. Next, you must use the GetWindow function to make sure that you are not trying to terminate your own Visual Basic program. Second, you must be certain the window handle does not refer to a window that is disabled or otherwise not able to be terminated. As long as the above-mentioned conditions have been met, you can call the PostMessage function to terminate the running application.

The Windows API PostMessage function is the key to terminating a program running in Windows. After you have determined the application's handle, you simply execute the PostMessage function with the WM_CLOSE command as an argument.

To declare this function within your program, include the following Declare statement in the Global Module or General Declarations section of your form:

Declare Function PostMessage Lib "User" (ByVal Hwnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg
   As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Integer

Note that this Declare statement must be typed as one single line of text.

The PostMessage function requires four arguments to be passed to it. These arguments are as follows:

hWnd An integer value set to the window's handle
wMsg An integer value set to the message ID that you want to send to the window
wParam An integer value set to a 16-bit parameter (depends on wMsg)
lParam A string or long value (depends on wMsg)

After calling the PostMessage function, an integer value will be returned. If this value is set to TRUE (nonzero), the function was successful and the target application was terminated.

Example Program

The following Visual Basic program shows how you can terminate an application currently running in Windows. This example assumes that the application you want to terminate is the Windows Solitaire game and that it is currently running in memory.

When you execute this program, it will display a message box telling you either that Solitaire is not running (in which case the program simply ends) or that Solitaire is running. Click the OK command button and Solitaire will be immediately terminated.

  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

  2. Add the following Constants and Declare statements to the General Declarations section of Form1 (note that each Declare statement must be typed as a single line of text):
    Declare Function IsWindow Lib "User" (ByVal Hwnd As Integer) As Integer
    Declare Function GetWindow Lib "User" (ByVal Hwnd As Integer, ByVal wCmd 
       As Integer) As Integer
    Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "User" (ByVal Hwnd As Integer, ByVal nIndex 
       As Integer) As Long
    Declare Function PostMessage Lib "User" (ByVal Hwnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg 
       As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Integer
    Declare Function FindWindow Lib "User" (ByVal lpClassName As Any, ByVal 
       lpWindowName As String) As Integer
    Const GW_OWNER = 4
    Const GWL_STYLE = -16
    Const WS_DISABLED = &H8000000
    Const WS_CANCELMODE = &H1F
    Const WM_CLOSE = &H10
  3. Add the following code to the Form_Load event for Form1:
    Sub Form_Load()
        Dim Hwnd As Integer
        Dim Y As Integer    
        Hwnd = FindWindow(0&, "Solitaire")
        If Hwnd = 0 Then
            MsgBox "SOLITAIRE is not running"
            Exit Sub
            MsgBox "Click to quit SOLITAIRE"
        End If    
        Y = EndTask(Hwnd)    
        If Y <> 0 Then
            MsgBox "SOLITAIRE terminated"
            MsgBox "Error - Cannot terminate SOLITAIRE"
        End If
    End Sub
  4. Create a new function called EndTask. Type the following code for this function:
    Function EndTask(TargetHwnd As Integer) As Integer
        Dim X As Integer
        Dim ReturnVal As Integer
        If TargetHwnd = hWndMe% Or GetWindow(TargetHwnd, GW_OWNER) = hWndMe% Then
        End If    
        If IsWindow(TargetHwnd) = False Then GoTo EndTaskFail
        If (GetWindowLong(TargetHwnd, GWL_STYLE) And WS_DISABLED) Then GoTo EndTaskSucceed
        If IsWindow(TargetHwnd) Then
            If Not (GetWindowLong(TargetHwnd, GWL_STYLE) And WS_DISABLED) Then
            X = PostMessage(TargetHwnd, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0&)
            X = PostMessage(TargetHwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0&)
            End If
        End If
        GoTo EndTaskSucceed
        ReturnVal = False
        GoTo EndTaskEndSub    
        ReturnVal = True    
        EndTask% = ReturnVal
    End Function