In Conclusion

The driving force behind any decision to implement a thin-client/server solution should be return on investment (ROI). The ROI will start immediately. For example, look at any of the case studies in Chapter 8. The benefits of ROI should alleviate any concerns you might have about the latest and greatest versions of thin-client/server software, especially since both Microsoft and Citrix Systems have made commitments to ensure a smooth up-grade path for their customers.

I believe that the thin-client/server model will accelerate the de-ployment of solutions in businesses with existing computer infrastructures. I also believe this will energize and accelerate the sales of hardware and software as more businesses are exposed to the model and come to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of thin-client/server solutions vs. desktop workstations with full operating systems.

The thin-client/server technology provides a business opportunity for telecommunications companies and ISPs that can offer thin-client/server business solutions, support, and training to many small businesses. Many small businesses and organizations are caught between a rock and a hard place as they have neither the time nor the resources to implement solutions. The costs and resources associated with thin-client/server solutions offered to small businesses by either telecommunications companies or ISPs could prove to be a great business opportunity for service providers and at the same time a real service to the recipients.

Companies and organizations that take advantage of thin-client/server solutions will begin to realize ROI immediately. I’m thrilled to be working with this technology, and I fully expect to help organizations achieve their aspirations for the effective use of information by developing, deploying, and implementing thin-client/server solutions.