Basic Editing

This topic discusses how to work with files in general. For a complete list of editing functions, see MEP Editing Function Reference.

MEP accepts two basic forms of commands:

You can either type the argument or select characters by moving the cursor from its current position. After you begin entering a command, you can cancel it by pressing ESC. Note that some commands work differently when used with the meta prefix (F9).

The following table shows how to use some of the most common file operations:

Editing Task Key
Exit editor after saving current file. F8
Exit editor without saving current file. F9+F8
Save current file without exiting. ALT+A ALT+A F2
Save current file as filename without exiting. ALT+A ALT+A filename F2
Load another file. ALT+A filename F2
Copy another file into current file at cursor. ALT+A ALT+A filename SHIFT+INS
Discard most recent changes and reread the file from disk. SHIFT+F7

The following table shows how to move through a file.

Editing Task Key
Move a single character. DirectionKey
Move to beginning of line. HOME
Move to end of line. END
Move up a page. PGUP
Move down a page. PGDN
Move to the top of the screen. F9+UP
Move to the bottom of the screen. F9+DOWN
Move to the top of the file. CTRL+UP
Move to the bottom of the file. CTRL+DOWN
Move to the next word. CTRL+RIGHT
Move to the previous word. CTRL+LEFT

The following table shows some of the most common ways to edit text.

Editing Task Key
Change to insert mode. INS
Insert a blank line (insert mode). ENTER
Insert a blank line (overstrike mode). CTRL+N
Select text. ALT+A DirectionKey
Remove text. DEL
Remove text from cursor to end of the line. ALT+A DEL
Remove line or selection. CTRL+Y
Copy text. ALT+A CursorMovement CTRL+INS
Paste text. SHIFT+INS
Move text. DEL CursorMovement SHIFT+INS
Find text. ALT+A text F3
Find and replace text. CTRL+L argument argument (prompts for the search string, then the replace string)