Line-Number Arguments

If source line information exists in the .EXE or .DLL file, the debugger can display a specified source line. Line number syntax is:

[module ![filename[.expr] ] ]

Symbols are as follows:

Symbol Meaning
module The name of an executable .EXE or .DLL file. The special name nt indicates the kernel. If module is not given, the module executing as the current process is the default.
filename The name of a source file, with no path or extension. If filename is not given, the default source file (if available) is that of the module currently executing.
expr A value in the range from 1 to the highest source-line number in the specified source file. The default radix is 10 regardless of the radix given in the n command.

Line number arguments are translated to the code address designated by the first source line in what may be a multiline source statement. If a line number does not correspond to a source statement, an error occurs. The v command is an exception to this rule: it causes the debugger to display the specified source line, which may be a non-executable line such as a comment or blank line.