On startup, NTSD searches for an [NTSD] header in the TOOLS.INI file and extracts initialization information from the entries under the header. The environment variable INIT must point to the directory containing the TOOLS.INI file.

NTSD also attempts on startup to take commands from the file NTSD.INI in the current directory or in the path specified in the tools.ini file.

The TOOLS.INI entries for the [NTSD] section are as follows:

Entry Description
$u0-$u9 Assign values to user-defined pseudo registers.
DebugChildren True or false. If true, NTSD debugs the specified application as well as any children that it may spawn.
DebugOutput True or false. If true, NTSD sends output and receives input through a terminal.
IniFile Specifies the name of the script file NTSD takes commands from at startup.
LazyLoad True or false. If true, NTSD performs lazy symbol loading; that is, symbols are not loaded until needed and NTSD starts faster.
StopFirst True or false. If true, NTSD stops on the first breakpoint it encounters.
StopOnProcessExit True or false. If true, NTSD stops when it receives a process termination notification.
sxd, sxe Set exception handling for the following events:

3c: Child application termination
av: Access violation.
ct: Create thread.
et: Exit thread.
ep: Exit process.
ld: Load DLL

where sxe enables the break status for an exception and sxd disables the break status.

VerboseOutput True or false. If true, NTSD will display detailed information on symbol handling, event notification, and other run-time occurrences.

An example [ntsd] section in the tools.ini file follows:

sxe: 3c
sxe: cc
$u0: VeryLongName