There was an error creating an object of type 'type'. 'msgtext'

A client computer requested creation of an object of the specified type, for example by using the CreateObject function, or the Set statement with the New operator. The request failed for the reason given in the appended 'msgtext.'

If the class the object belongs to is in the Windows Registry of the network computer the Automation Manager is running on, 'type' is the fully qualified class name (programmatic ID).

For example, suppose the Customer server is installed on the network computer, the Automation Manager is using CreateIfKey security, and the CLSID entry for the Order class does not have the subkey AllowRemoteActivation=Y. The error message refers to the object type Customer.Order.

If the object type is not registered, for example when the ActiveX component that supplies it has not been installed on the network computer, 'type' is the CLSID of the object, as it appears in the Windows Registry of the client computer.