The network protocol 'protocol' was needed but was not available. 'msgtext'

The Automation Manager was unable to use the indicated network protocol for the reason appended at 'msgtext.'

This error can occur when a client computer passes a reference to an object provided by an ActiveX component on the client computer, or on another network computer. (The client computer must itself be capable of running the Automation Manager for the first scenario to occur.)

The Automation Manager attempts to connect to the object using the same protocol that was used to pass the reference. If this protocol is not available on the network computer where the Automation Manager is running, the error occurs.

For example, the Named Pipes protocol (ncacn_np) is supported as an RPC client protocol under Windows 95, but not as an RPC server protocol. You can view the lists of RPC client and server protocols on a computer by accessing the following Windows Registry keys:



On the client computer, the call that attempted to pass the object reference fails with the error &H800706D0, RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_FOUND.