There was a timeout processing a call to this machine. 'msgtext'

A call to a method of an object on this machine has timed out for the reason appended at 'msgtext.'

The timeout occurs if the client computer waits more than a specified number of milliseconds for an object, because another client computer is making a call to the same object.

This error only occurs when the Automation Manager serializes requests from two client computers that are accessing the same object. It does not occur when two client computers have separate objects of the same type, nor when OLE serializes requests to an out-of-process ActiveX component that is single-threaded.

The number of milliseconds for the timeout is specified in the Automation Manager's CallTimeout preference setting:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Automation Manager\CallTimeout

The default value is an unsigned four-byte integer, 0xFFFFFFFF, which represents over a hundred years, and thus is effectively infinite. Changing this preference affects all calls to methods of objects on this computer, hence changing it is not recommended.