Save Project, Save Project As, Save Project Group, and Save Project Group As Commands (File Menu)


Save Project

Saves the current project and all its components.

Save Project As

The Save Project command displays the Save Project As dialog box if this is the first time the project is being saved.

Save Project Group

The Save Project command changes to Save Project Group if you add a project to the project group.

Save Project Group As

The Save Project As command displays the Save Project Group As dialog box if this is the first time the project group is being saved.

Available only at design time.

Toolbar shortcut:   .

Dialog Box Options


Select the location where you want to store the project file.

   Up One Level

Shows a list of folders or drives one level above the current folder.

   Create New Folder

Creates a new folder.


Shows the folders or documents in a list format that includes the folder or document icon and its name.


Shows the folder or documents in a list that includes the folder or document icon and name, its size (documents only), type, and the date and time it was last modified.


Shows the list of folders or documents.


Give your project a name. To save a project with a new name, or in a different location, type a new filename. To save a project with an existing filename, select the name in a list or type the current name. When you choose Save, Visual Basic asks if you want to overwrite the existing file.

Save as type

Select a file type from the list; the default is Project (*.vbp). Files of the selected type will appear in the File Name list box.


Saves the project group under the specified name.


Closes the dialog box without saving the project.