Message Queue

The work-flow sample consists of a system simulating a simplified 'insurance claim processing' system. Claims are entered using a Visual Basic front end. When submitted, these claims are placed in a 'insurance claims queue.' A second Visual Basic application allows an 'insurance claims processor' to approve the claims. Once approved, the claims are moved to a second 'accounting queue.' A third Visual Basic application is used to process the claims in the accounting queue. When these are approved the messages are removed from the second queue and the work-flow is complete.

File Description
Accounting_Step3.vbp Allows the processing of claims from the second queue (finishes the work-flow).
Administer_Step0.vbp Sets up the queues for the sample. Allows the viewing of queue contents.
ClaimEntry_Step1.vbp Allows the submission of claims (starts the work-flow)
clsStringBag.cls Class module for PropertyBag strings.
frmAdminister.frm Form to create a new queue.
frmClaimProcessing.frm Opens a "claims" message queue.
frmProcessClaim.frm Submits a claim.
frmQueueMonitoring.frm Message monitoring form.
fromAdminTitleScreen.frm Show other forms.
MessageArrival.cls Monitors message arrivals.
modInsuranceMQ.bas Global constants.
modQueueSupport.bas Contains functions useful for message queues. These functions are intended to be called from applications to create, destroy, manage, and access queues.
modQueueSupportHelper.bas Contains HELPER functions useful for message queue access.
Processing_Step2.vbp Allows the processing of claims from the first queue and moves them to the second queue.

To Run

See the Readme.htm file for details on running the sample.