Allows you to set conditions for compiling your project.
Tab Options
Compile to P-Code
Compiles a project using p-code. The settings stored in the .vbp file are overridden.
Compile to Native Code
Compiles a project using native code with selected optimizations. The settings stored in the .vbp file are overridden.
Optimize for Fast Code Maximizes the speed of the .exe and .dll files by instructing the compiler to favor speed over size. The compiler can reduce many constructs to functionally similar sequences of machine code. In some cases, the differences offer a trade off of size versus speed.
Optimize for Small Code Minimizes the size of the .exe and .dll files by instructing the compiler to favor size over speed. The compiler can reduce many constructs to functionally similar sequences of machine code. If you do not select this option, you may have code that is larger in size but faster.
No Optimization Compile without optimizations.
Favor Pentium Pro Optimizes the code created to favor the Pentium Pro processor. Use this option for programs meant only for the Pentium Pro processor. Code generated with this option will still run on earlier processors but it does not perform as well.
Create Symbolic Debug Info Generates symbolic debug information in the executable or DLL file. An executable file created using this option can be debugged using Visual C++ or debuggers that use CodeView style of debug information. Setting this option generates a .pdb file with the symbol information for your executable.
Advanced Optimizations
Displays the Advanced Optimizations dialog box.
DLL Base Address
Sets a base address for the program, overriding the default location for a .dll file (at 0X10000000). The operating system first attempts to load a program at its specified or default address. If there is insufficient space, the system relocates the program.