GetAutoServerSettings Function


Returns information about the state of an ActiveX component's registration.


object.GetAutoServerSettings([progid], [clsid])

The GetAutoServerSettings function syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
progid Optional. A variant expression specifying the ProgID for the component.
clsid Optional. A variant expression specifying the CLSID for the component.

Return Values

The GetAutoServerSettings function returns a Variant that contains an array of values about the given ActiveX component. The index values and descriptions are:

Value Description
1 True if the ActiveX component is registered remotely.
2 Remote machine name.
3 RPC network protocol name.
4 RPC authentication level.


If a value is missing or not available, the value will be an empty string.  If there is an error during the method, then the return value will be a Variant of type Empty.