Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLELinked | 0 | OLE container control contains a linked object |
vbOLEEmbedded | 1 | OLE container control contains an embedded object |
vbOLENone | 3 | OLE container control doesn't contain an object |
Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLEEither | 2 | OLE container control can contain either a linked or an embedded object |
Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLEAutomatic | 0 | Object is updated each time the linked data changes |
vbOLEFrozen | 1 | Object is updated whenever the user saves the linked document from within the application in which it was created |
vbOLEManual | 2 | Object is updated only when the Action property is set to 6 (Update) |
Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLEActivateManual | 0 | OLE object isn't automatically activated |
vbOLEActivateGetFocus | 1 | Object is activated when the OLE container control gets the focus |
vbOLEActivateDoubleclick | 2 | Object is activated when the OLE container control is double-clicked |
vbOLEActivateAuto | 3 | Object is activated based on the object's default method of activation |
Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLESizeClip | 0 | Object's image is clipped by the OLE container control's borders |
vbOLESizeStretch | 1 | Object's image is sized to fill the OLE container control |
vbOLESizeAutoSize | 2 | OLE container control is automatically resized to display the entire object |
vbOLESizeZoom | 3 | Object's image is stretched but in proportion |
Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLEDisplayContent | 0 | Object's data is displayed in the OLE container control |
vbOLEDisplayIcon | 1 | Object's icon is displayed in the OLE container control |
Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLEChanged | 0 | Object's data has changed |
vbOLESaved | 1 | Object's data has been saved by the application that created the object |
vbOLEClosed | 2 | Application file containing the linked object's data has been closed |
vbOLERenamed | 3 | Application file containing the linked object's data has been renamed |
Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLEPrimary | 0 | Default action for the object |
vbOLEShow | -1 | Activates the object for editing |
vbOLEOpen | -2 | Opens the object in a separate application window |
vbOLEHide | -3 | For embedded objects, hides the application that created the object |
vbOLEUIActivate | -4 | All UI's associated with the object are visible and ready for use |
vbOLEInPlaceActivate | -5 | Object is ready for the user to click inside it and start working with it |
vbOLEDiscardUndoState | -6 | For discarding all record of changes that the object's application can undo |
Constant | Value | Description |
vbOLEFlagGrayed | &H1 | Grayed menu item |
vbOLEFlagDisabled | &H2 | Disabled menu item |
vbOLEFlagChecked | &H8 | Checked menu item |
vbOLEFlagSeparator | &H800 | Separator bar in menu item list |
vbOLEMiscFlagMemStorage | &H1 | Causes control to use memory to store the object while it's loaded |
vbOLEMiscFlagDisableInPlace | &H2 | Forces OLE container control to activate objects in a separate window |