Synchronizes the structure of the Data Report designer with the structure of the Data Environment designer by creating group header and group footer sections on the Data Report designer. Except for the lowest Command object in the Data Environment designer, each Command object corresponds to a pair of group header/footer sections. The final Command object corresponds to the detail section of the Data Report designer.
Note There is an exception for grouping fields and grand total aggregate fields created by the Data Environment. For each set of grouping fields or grand total aggregate fields created, a group header/footer pair is created.
To use this command, set the DataSource property of the Data Report designer to the Data Environment designer. Then set the DataMember property to the topmost Command object of the Data Environment designer.
Invoking this command will clear the present structure and all controls of the Data Report designer. However, this can be undone by pressing CTRL+Z, or selecting Undo Structure Change from the shortcut menu.
Note The Data Environment allows you to create hierarchies of Command objects wherein a Command object has more than one child object — child Command objects parallel to each other. The Data Report designer, however, is not as flexible, and can't display more than one child object at a time. In such cases, when executing a Retrieve Structure command, the Data Report will display only the first of the child commands, and none below it. Thus you should avoid creating Command hierarchies with parallel children commands.