LinkExecute Method Example

This example establishes a DDE link with Microsoft Excel, places some values into cells in the first row of a new worksheet, and charts the values. LinkExecute sends Microsoft Excel the command to activate a worksheet, select some values, and chart them. To try this example, Microsoft Excel must be installed on your computer and in the path statement of your Autoexec.bat file. Paste the code into the Declarations section of a form that has a TextBox control with the default name Text1, and then press F5 and click the form.

Private Sub Form_Click ()
   Dim Cmd, I, Q, Row, Z   ' Declare variables.
   Q = Chr(34)   ' Define quotation marks.
   ' Create a string containing Microsoft Excel macro commands.
   Cmd = "[ACTIVATE(" & Q &"SHEET1" & Q & ")]"
   Cmd = Cmd & "[SELECT(" & Q & "R1C1:R5C2" & Q & ")]" 
   Cmd = Cmd & "[NEW(2,1)][ARRANGE.ALL()]"
   If Text1.LinkMode = vbNone Then
      Z = Shell("Excel", 4)   ' Start Microsoft Excel.
      Text1.LinkTopic = "Excel|Sheet1"   ' Set link topic.
      Text1.LinkItem = "R1C1"   ' Set link item.
      Text1.LinkMode = vbLinkManual   ' Set link mode.
   End If
   For I = 1 To 5
      Row = I   ' Define row number.
      Text1.LinkItem = "R" & Row & "C1"   ' Set link item.
      Text1.Text = Chr(64 + I)   ' Put value in Text.
      Text1.LinkPoke   ' Poke value to cell.
      Text1.LinkItem = "R" & Row & "C2"   ' Set link item.
      Text1.Text = Row   ' Put value in Text.
      Text1.LinkPoke   ' Poke value to cell.
   Next I
   On Error Resume Next
   Text1.LinkExecute Cmd   ' Carry out Microsoft Excel commands.
   MsgBox "LinkExecute DDE demo with Microsoft Excel finished.", 64
End Sub