Extender Object


An Extender object holds properties of the control that are actually controlled by the container of the control rather than by the control itself.




Some properties of a control are provided by the container rather than the control; these are extender properties. Examples of extender properties are: Name, Tag and Left. The control still needs to know what the value of these extender properties are, and sometimes needs to be able to change an extender property; the Extender object gives the control access to these properties.

Some extender properties are standard, while others are specific to certain containers. A control may access non-standard extender properties, but this will make the control container-specific. If the control makes use of an extender property, the control should handle the case where the extender property is not supported by the current container.

When the control is compiled, Visual Basic has no way of knowing what extender properties may be available when the control is run; therefore references to extender properties will always be late bound.

The Extender object is not available when the Initialize event is raised; but is available when the InitProperties event or ReadProperties event is raised.

The Extender object has several standard properties:

Visual Basic provides several more extender methods, properties and events; other containers are not guaranteed to provide these extender methods, properties and events. These Visual Basic specific extender methods, properties and events are: