The ActXDoc is a simple ActiveX document-based application. Two ActiveX documents (FirstDoc.vbd, and SecndDoc.vbd) incorporate features such as passing data from one document to another, as well as use of the HyperLink object. See , "Creating an ActiveX Document," in "Creating ActiveX Components" of the Component Tools Guide.
File | Description |
FrmAbout.frx | Binary data for the frmAbout.frm. |
FrmAbout.frm | An About Box for the ActiveX document. |
FrmAux.frm | An auxiliary form shown from the FirstDoc ActiveX document. |
mGlobal.bas | Code module that contains global constants. |
Actxdoc.vbp | The project file for the application. |
FirstDoc.dob | The UserDocument object for the FirstDoc ActiveX document. |
Secnddoc.dob | The UserDocument for the SecndDoc ActiveX document. |
From the Visual Basic File menu, click Open Project and select the ActXDoc.Vbp file, which is listed in the Samples directory. Press F5 to run the application.
Run Internet Explorer 3.0 or later, click Address, and type the path of the FirstDoc.vbd file.