DataBindingBehavior Property


Sets a value that determines if an object can be bound to a data source. Only available at design time.


object.DataBindingBehavior [= number]

The DataBindingBehavior property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
number An integer that specifies data binding behavior, as described in Settings.


The settings for number are:

Constant Setting Description
vbNone 0 (Default) The object can't be bound to a data source.
vbSimpleBound 1 The object can be bound to a data source using simple binding.
vbComplexBound 2 The object can be bound to a data source using complex binding.


Use the DataBindingBehavior property when you want an object to act as a consumer of data provided by objects. A data consumer may be either simple bound (binding to single fields) or complex bound (binding to a rowset).

When DataBindingBehavior is set to 1 (vbSimpleBound), the PropertyChanged event and the CanPropertyChange method are added to the object's procedures.