Returns or sets a value determining if a control can become active during the developer design time. The EditAtDesignTime property is read/write at the control’s authoring time, and not available at the control’s run time.
The settings for EditAtDesignTime are:
Setting | Description |
True | Allows the control to become active at the developer design time. An Edit verb will appear on the control’s context menu. When the developer who uses the control chooses Edit, the control will become active and behave as it does at end user run time. |
False | (Default) The control cannot become active at developer design time. |
The control will only remain active while it is selected. When the developer selects another control, this control will no longer be active, even if the developer clicks back on this control. The developer must select Edit again from the context menu to make the control active.
Note When the control is activated in this fashion, the events of the UserControl object will occur, so that the control can operate normally, but the control will be unable to raise any events. The RaiseEvent method will simply be ignored; it will not cause an error.