FunctionType Property


Returns or sets the function to be used in calculating the value displayed by the Function control.


object.FunctionType [=integer]

The FunctionType property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
integer Optional. A numeric expression that specifies the function, as shown in Settings.


The settings for integer are:

Constant Value Description
rptFuncSum 0 (Default) Sums the values of the DataField.
rptFuncAve 1 Averages the values of the DataField.
rptFuncMin 2 Returns the minimum value of the DataField.
rptFuncMax 3 Returns the maximum value of the DataField.
rptFuncRCnt 4 Counts the rows in the section.
rptFuncVCnt 5 Counts the fields with non-null values.
rptFuncSDEV 6 Calculates the standard deviation.
rptFuncSERR 7 Calculates the standard error.