LargeChange, SmallChange Properties Example

This example uses a scroll bar to move a PictureBox control across the form. To try this example, paste the code into the Declarations section of a form that contains a small PictureBox control and an HScrollBar control, and then press F5 and click the scroll bar.

Private Sub Form_Load ()
   HScroll1.Max = 100   ' Set maximum value.
   HScroll1.LargeChange = 20   ' Cross in 5 clicks.
   HScroll1.SmallChange = 5   ' Cross in 20 clicks.
   Picture1.Left = 0   ' Start picture at left.
   Picture1.BackColor = QBColor(3)   ' Set color of picture box.
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Change ()
   ' Move picture according to scroll bar.
   Picture1.Left = (HScroll1.Value / 100) * ScaleWidth
End Sub