OLEServerBusyRaiseError Property


Determines whether a rejected automation request raises an error, instead of displaying the default Component Busy dialog box or an alternate message. Not available at design time.


object.OLEServerBusyRaiseError [ = boolean]

The OLEServerBusyRaiseError property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether an error is to be raised, as described in Settings.


The settings for boolean are:

Setting Description
True (Default) An error is raised when the number of milliseconds specified by the OLEServerBusyTimeout property have elapsed.
False Depending on the setting of the OLEServerBusyMsgText property, either the default Server Busy dialog box or an alternate busy message will be displayed.


Raising an error when an ActiveX component rejects an automation request returns control to your program, which allows you to provide your own custom dialog box in place of either the default Component Busy dialog box or the alternate busy message.

The automation error that will be raised is -2147418111 (&H80010001).