Pattern Property


Returns or sets a value indicating the filenames displayed in a FileListBox control at run time.


object.Pattern [= value]

The Pattern property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
Value A string expression indicating a file specification, such as "*.*" or "*.FRM".  The default is "*.*", which returns a list of all files. In addition to using wildcard characters, you can also use multiple patterns separated by semicolons (;). For example, "*.exe; *.bat" would return a list of all executable files and all MS-DOS batch files.


The Pattern property plays a key role in designing an application's file-browsing and manipulation capabilities. Use Pattern in combination with other file-control properties to provide the user with ways to explore files or groups of similar files. For example, in an application dedicated to launching other programs, you could designate that only .exe files be displayed in the file list box (*.exe). Other key file-control properties include Drive, FileName, and Path.

Changing the value of the Pattern property generates a PatternChange event.