SourceDoc Property


Returns or sets the filename to use when you create an object.

Note   You set the SourceDoc property for compatibility with the Action property in earlier versions. For current functionality, use the CreateEmbed and CreateLink methods.


object.SourceDoc [ = name]

The SourceDoc property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
name A string expression specifying a filename.


Use the SourceDoc property to specify the file to be linked when creating a linked object using the Action property. Use the SourceItem property to specify data within the file to be linked.

When creating an embedded object using the Action property, if the SourceDoc property is set to a valid filename, an embedded object is created using the specified file as a template.

When a linked object is created, the SourceItem property is concatenated to the SourceDoc property. At run time, the SourceItem property returns a zero-length string (""), and the SourceDoc property returns the entire path to the linked file, followed by an exclamation point (!) or a backslash (\), followed by the SourceItem. For example: