Pool Manager Sample Application (Pmgr_Svr.vp and Pmgr_Cli.vbp), Enterprise Edition

This sample app is an example of a simple pool manager that could be used to maintain open instances of Automation servers for client applications. Using this scheme, client applications ask the pool manager for a pointer to an object they want to use. The pool manager checks the pool, and either grants or denies the request. This approach has a number of benefits:

The server in this project uses a visible form purely for demonstration purposes. There is no functional need for the server to have any UI, though state information presented through a UI can help with debugging or run-time monitoring needs. (State monitoring requirements can also be addressed by providing a status method on the server that can be queried by a monitor application.)

File Description
Pmgr_cli.vbp Client component project file.
Pmgr_cli.frm Client main form.
Pmgr_svr.vbp Server component project file.
Pmgr_svr.frm Server status indicator form.
Pmgr_svr.bas Server main/global utility module.
Pmgr_svr.cls Server class module.
Poolmngr.txt A text file containing a project overview and description.

To Run

From the Visual Basic File menu, choose Open Project and select the Pmgr_svr.vbp file, which is listed in the Samples directory. Press F5 or choose Start from the Run menu to run the server project.

Once running, this project temporarily registers its classes in the system registry. You can then start a second instance of Visual Basic to run Pmgr_cli.vbp, the client that uses the class modules defined in Pmgr_svr.vbp.

Note   The Automation server can be run on the same machine as the client, or it can be run on a remote machine to benefit from distributed processing power and support multi-user access. The Automation server does not need to be recompiled or changed in any way to support this location independence.