Open ODBC Data Source Dialog Box (VisData)

Opens an ODBC data source with the user-supplied parameters.

Dialog Box Options

DSN ( Data Source Name) Lists all of the currently registered data sources found in the ODBC.INI file in the Windows directory or the Windows NT registry. It is filled by using the ODBC API call GetDataSource. This is the DSN clause in the connect string.


Lists the database that will be opened. If omitted, the default database for the specified user is opened. This is the DATABASE or DBQ clause in the connect string.

UID (User ID)

Lists User ID clause in the connect string.

PWD (Password)

Lists the Password clause in the connect string.


Lists all of the installed ODBC drivers on the system. Use it to select a driver for a DSN-Less connection or to register a new datasource.


Allows you to fill in the name of the server when creating a DSN-Less connection.


Allows you to add a new Data Source Name (DSN).