Value (ADO)

Indicates the value assigned to a Field object.

Return Value

Sets or returns a Variant value. The default value depends on the Type property.


Use the Value property to set or return data from Field objects.

ADO allows setting and returning long binary data with the Value property.

Underlying PegDB datatypes should be converted as follows:

Constant Value Description
pegvt_lpwstr VT_BSTR A null-terminated character string (Unicode)
pegvt_blob A binary value
adInteger VT_I4 A 4-byte signed integer
adSmallInt VT_I2 A 2-byte signed integer
adDouble VT_R8 A double-precision floating point value
adDate VT_DATE A Date value
adUnsignedSmallInt VT_UI2 A 2-byte unsigned integer
adUnsignedInt VT_UI4 A 4-byte unsigned integer