Deploying Your IIS Application

You package and deploy your IIS application using the Visual Basic Package and Deployment Wizard. The Package and Deployment Wizard packages your project .dll files and all associated files into a "cabinet" or .cab file. The wizard can then deploy this cabinet file and its associated support files to a location you indicate on a Web server.

Note   Although IIS applications are deployed to a Web server and not to the client computer, you still must package them into a cabinet file and deploy them to the Web site. The .cab file is then unpacked on the Web server and the necessary components are installed and registered.

You must either deploy to an existing virtual directory on the server or manually create a virtual directory before you deploy your .cab file to it. To create a virtual directory, you define a directory on the Web server, then use the Internet Server Manager in Internet Information Server to define this directory as a virtual directory and set an alias for it. See your Microsoft Internet Information Server product documentation for further details on creating virtual directories.

The application files that must be deployed include:

These are the steps in deploying your IIS application to the Internet:

  1. Debug and compile your application.

  2. Use the Package and Deployment Wizard to build a .cab file that contains the necessary files for your application.

  3. Use the Package and Deployment Wizard to deploy your application to the Web server you want to use.

For More Information   See "Distributing Your Applications," in the Programmer's Guide for instructions on using the Package and Deployment Wizard to package and deploy your IIS application.