Understanding the Page Designer Treeview

The designer window for your DHTML applications consists of two parts — the detail panel, on the right and the treeview panel, on the left. The detail panel shows the HTML page as it will appear in the browser and is the area you use to draw and manipulate your page's appearance. The treeview is used to show the elements that make up the HTML page and their relationship to the overall object model for the application. When you first begin a project for a DHTML application, the treeview contains three elements — the Document, the Body, and a paragraph, or <P>, tag.

After you reference an existing HTML page or begin creating your own in the page designer, the treeview displays a listing for each tag on the HTML page. This includes all visible elements on the page, such as buttons, text, images, checkboxes, and options boxes, and a series of tags, such as text formatting tags for bold, italic, and underline, organizational tags such as DIV and SPAN, and other tags.

Although all elements on a page are displayed in the treeview, you can only write code for those elements that contain an ID attribute. The treeview displays in bold the elements with ID attributes. For each element, the page designer lists the ID, if one exists; the type of element; and in some cases the beginning of the content for that element. If an element does not have an ID, you can assign one to it in the Properties window.

The treeview provides three valuable shortcuts:

For More Information   See "Making Elements Programmable" in this chapter for more information on how to work with element IDs.