What's New in Controls

New Controls

ADO Data Control

All Editions   A new OLEDB-aware data source control that functions much like the intrinsic Data and Remote Data controls, in that it allows you to create a database application with minimum code.

Coolbar Control

Professional and Enterprise Editions   A container control that can be used to create user-configurable toolbars similar to those in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

DataGrid Control

All Editions   An OLEDB-aware version of DBGrid, the control allows you to quickly build an application to view and edit recordsets. It also supports the new ADO Data control.

DataList Control, DataCombo Controls

All Editions   These controls are OLE DB versions of the DBList and DBCombo controls. They also support the new ADO Data control.

DataRepeater Control

Professional and Enterprise Editions   Insert a UserControl into the DataRepeater to create a custom view of a database, similar to Access forms. The UserControl can contain TextBox, CheckBox, or other controls bound to data fields.

DateTimePicker Control

Professional and Enterprise Editions   Place this control on a form when you need to provide a drop-down calendar for quick entry of dates and times. Please read this note on upgrading applications that use the Windows common controls.

Flat Scrollbar Control

Professional and Enterprise Editions   Get the elegant look of flat scroll bars in your applications with this new control. Please read this note on upgrading applications that use the Windows common controls.

Hierarchical FlexGrid Control

All Editions   An updated version of the FlexGrid control that, in addition to supporting all the functionality of the FlexGrid control, can display a hierarchy of ADO Recordsets. Each Recordset returned is displayed as a separate band within the grid and can be formatted independently.

ImageCombo Control

All Editions   Behaves like the standard ComboBox control with one addition: You can now add images to the list of items. Please read this note on upgrading applications that use the Windows common controls.

MonthView Control

Professional and Enterprise Editions   Allows the end user to pick dates and contiguous ranges of dates from a graphic representation of a calendar. Please read this note on upgrading applications that use the Windows common controls.

Enhanced Controls

Intrinsic Control Enhancements

All Editions   New data-binding properties and data validation enhancements.

ImageList Control Enhancements

All Editions   Now supports .gif, .jpg, and .cur files.

ListView Control Enhancements

All Editions   

New collection: ListSubItems Collection.

New properties: AllowColumnReorder, CausesValidation, Checkboxes, ColumnHeaderIcons, FlatScrollBar, FullRowSelect, GridLines, HotTracking, HoverSelection, Picture, PictureAlignment, Position Property (ColumnHeader Object), TextBackground.

New events: ItemCheck, Validate.

MSChart Control Enhancements

Professional and Enterprise Editions   Now supports data binding and the IObjectSafety interface.

New properties: CausesValidation, DataMember, DataSource, OLEDragMode, OLEDropMode.

New method: OLEDrag.

New events: OLECompleteDrag, OLEDragDrop, OLEDragOver, OLEGiveFeedback, OLESetData, OLEStartDrag, Validate.

ProgressBar Control Enhancements

All Editions   

New properties: Orientation, Scrolling.

New method: Refresh.

Slider Control Enhancements

All Editions   

New properties: CausesValidation, Text, TextPosition.

New event: Validate.

TabStrip Control Enhancements

All Editions   

New properties: CausesValidation, HighLighted Property (Tab Object), HotTracking, MultiSelect, Placement, Separators, TabMinWidth, TabStyle.

New method: DeselectAll.

New event: Validate.

Toolbar Control Enhancements

All Editions   

New object/collection: ButtonMenu Object, ButtonMenus Collection.

New properties: DisabledImageList, HotImageList, Style, TextAlignment.

New events: ButtonDropDown, ButtonMenuClick.

TreeView Control Enhancements

All Editions   

New properties: CausesValidation, Checkboxes, FullRowSelect, HotTracking, Scroll, SingleSel.

New events: NodeCheck, Validate.

New Features of Controls

Data Validation Enhancements

All Editions   Using the new Validate Event in conjunction with the CausesValidation Property allows you to validate control contents before allowing the control to lose focus.

Dynamic Control Addition

All Editions   Programmatically add and remove controls to or from a form. A sample application demonstrating dynamic control addition can be found in the \CtlsAdd subdirectory of the samples directory. For information about Visual Basic samples and where to find them, see the Samples Start Page.

LoadPicture Enhancements

All Editions   You can now specify size and color depth.

ValidateControls Method

All Editions   Validates the contents of the last control on the form before exiting the form.