Seek Function Example

This example uses the Seek function to return the current file position. The example assumes TESTFILE is a file containing records of the user-defined type Record.

Type Record   ' Define user-defined type.
   ID As Integer
   Name As String * 20
End Type

For files opened in Random mode, Seek returns number of next record.

Dim MyRecord As Record   ' Declare variable.
Open "TESTFILE" For Random As #1 Len = Len(MyRecord)
Do While Not EOF(1)   ' Loop until end of file.
   Get #1, , MyRecord   ' Read next record.
   Debug.Print Seek(1)   ' Print record number to the 
         ' Immediate window.
Close #1   ' Close file.

For files opened in modes other than Random mode, Seek returns the byte position at which the next operation takes place. Assume TESTFILE is a file containing a few lines of text.

Dim MyChar
Open "TESTFILE" For Input As #1   ' Open file for reading.
Do While Not EOF(1)   ' Loop until end of file.
   MyChar = Input(1, #1)   ' Read next character of data.
   Debug.Print Seek(1)   ' Print byte position to the
         ' Immediate window.
Close #1   ' Close file.