Command Targets

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The command dispatch interface IOleCommandTarget defines a simple and extensible mechanism to query and execute commands. This mechanism is simpler than Automation’s IDispatch because it relies entirely on a standard set of commands; commands rarely have arguments, and no type information is involved (type safety is diminished for command arguments as well).

In the command dispatch interface design, each command belongs to a “command group” which is itself identified with a GUID. Therefore, anyone can define a new group and define all the commands within that group without any need to coordinate with Microsoft or any other vendor. (This is essentially the same means of definition as a dispinterface plus dispIDs in Automation. There is overlap here, although this command routing mechanism is only for command routing and not for scripting/programmability on a large scale as Automation handles.)

IOleCommandTarget handles the following scenarios:

Obviously this simple command routing could be handled through existing Automation standards and IDispatch. However, the overhead involved with IDispatch is more than is necessary here, so IOleCommandTarget provides a simpler means to achieve the same ends:

interface IOleCommandTarget : IUnknown
    HRESULT QueryStatus([in] GUID *pguidCmdGroup, [in] ULONG cCmds
        , [in,out][size_is(cCmds)] OLECMD *prgCmds, [in,out] OLECMDTEXT *pCmdText);
    HRESULT Exec([in] GUID *pguidCmdGroup, [in] DWORD nCmdID, [in] DWORD nCmdExecOpt
        , [in] VARIANTARG *pvaIn, [in,out] VARIANTARG *pvaOut);

The QueryStatus method here tests whether a particular set of commands, the set being identified with a GUID, is supported. This call fills an array of OLECMD values (structures) with the supported list of commands as well as returning text describing the name of a command and/or status information. When the caller wishes to invoke a command, it can pass the command (and the set GUID) to Exec along with options and arguments, getting back a return value.