Explorer-Style Applications

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An Explorer-style application has the same user interface as that of Windows Explorer. The application has a vertically-divided client area that contains left and right panes. The left pane displays a tree control, while the right pane shows detailed information pertinent to the current selection in the left pane.

The contents of the panes depend on the application. In a file-system browser, the left pane shows a hierarchical view of directories or machines, or machine groups, while the right pane displays individual files or machines and details about them. The contents do not necessarily have to be files. They could be email messages, error reports, or other items in a database.

It is strongly recommended that you create Explorer-style applications using the MFC AppWizard. In step 5, under What style of project would you like? select the Windows Explorer radio button. This is discussed in detail in Creating an Explorer-Style Application.

The AppWizard creates the following classes for you:

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