Sample Programs

The following samples are new for Visual C++ 6.0.

ATL Samples

Sample name Description
ATLTangram Demonstrates managing a large ATL project with multiple project dependencies in the IDE. Also demonstrates some basic COM concepts.
ATLMOVIE Demonstrates using compiler COM support and the Active Movie interfaces to play a movie. in an ATL control.
ATLFIRE Demonstrates how to build a windowed control using ATL. This sample is adapted from the MFC FIRE sample.
ATLDUCK Demonstrates using connection points with ATL controls.

See Also   ATL Samples Index

Compiler COM Support Samples

Sample name Description
ADOSAMP Implements a three-tier client/server application.

See Also   Compiler COM Support Samples Index

MFC Samples

Sample name Description
CMNCTRL1 Demonstrates how to create and change the styles of Windows Common Controls using MFC classes (Part 1).
CMNCTRL2 Demonstrates how to create and change the styles of Windows Common Controls using MFC classes (Part 2).
LISTHDR Demonstrates the List View and Header Common Controls.
DBVList Demonstrates the virtual list view functionality available for the list view common control.
TSTCON Implements an ActiveX control container using MFC's support for OLE embedding. You can use TSTCON to test ActiveX controls, change their properties, and invoke their methods.
Pinball An Internet Server Extension DLL that provides graphics and also redirects users to a Web site for further research.
StockTicker An MFC and ATL application that retrieves stock quotes from the Web and displays them in an ATL control. The user can set the display's properties, including rate of data refresh.
MFCIE Uses MFC's CHtmlView and CReBar classes to implement a subset of the functionality provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer.
MFCBIND Shows how to create an ActiveX document (formerly known as a DocObject) container using the ActiveX document container support classes.
WIZARD97 Demonstrates implementing a wizard that supports background bitmaps and wide header titles and images. This wizard design is supported for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0; you must be using Windows 98 or Windows NT 5.0 for this sample to work properly.
MFCRows Shows how to use COleDBRecordView to scroll through a table in a database. Also how to use multiple accessors so you can update an Access table that contains an AutoNumber field to be retrieved.

See Also    MFC Samples Index

OLE DB Samples

Visual C++ Developer Studio Add-in Samples

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