Pair Logical Operator (STL Sample)

The sample code below illustrates how to use the pair logical operator STL function in Visual C++.

Required Header:
< utility >


It is interesting to note that only the < and == operators are
necessary in order to define all of the logical operators.

template<class _T1, class _T2> inline
     bool operator==(const pair<_T1, _T2>& _X,
     const pair<_T1, _T2>& _Y)
     {return (_X.first == _Y.first && _X.second == _Y.second); }

template<class _T1, class _T2> inline
     bool operator<(const pair<_T1, _T2>& _X,
     const pair<_T1, _T2>& _Y)
     {return (_X.first < _Y.first ||
     !(_Y.first < _X.first) && _X.second < _Y.second); }

Note: The class/parameter names in the prototype do not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability.

The functions are described in the comments section of the sample.

Sample Code:

// Compile options needed: none
// paircomp.cpp : Illustrates several comparison
//                operators used to compare two
//                pair objects.
// Functions:
//    operator== - returns true if two pair objects are identical.
//    operator!= - returns true if two pair objects are not identical.
//    operator<  - returns true for (A < B) if pair object A is less
//                 than pair object B.
//    operator<= - returns true for (A <= B) if pair object A is less
//                 than or equal to pair object B.
//    operator>  - returns true for (A > B) if pair object A is greater
//                 than pair object B.
//    operator>= - returns true for (A >= B) if pair object A is greater
//                 than or equal to pair object B.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

using namespace std ;

/* STL pair data type containing int and float */

typedef struct pair<int, float> PAIR_IF;

void main(void)
  PAIR_IF A(10,3.14);
  PAIR_IF B(18,3.14);
  PAIR_IF C(10,6.28);
  PAIR_IF D(10,3.14);

/* show pair values */

  cout << "A = ( " << A.first << " , " << A.second << " )" << endl;
  cout << "B = ( " << B.first << " , " << B.second << " )" << endl;
  cout << "C = ( " << C.first << " , " << C.second << " )" << endl;
  cout << "D = ( " << D.first << " , " << D.second << " )" << endl;

/* operator== */

  if (A==D)
    cout << "A and D are equal" << endl;
    cout << "A and D are not equal" << endl;

/* operator!= */

  if (B!=C)
    cout << "B and C are not equivalent" << endl;
    cout << "B and C are equivalent" << endl;

/* operator> */

  if (A>C)
    cout << "A is greater than C" << endl;
    cout << "A is not greater than C" << endl;

/* operator>= */

  if (A>=C)
    cout << "A is greater than or equal to C" << endl;
    cout << "A is not greater than or equal to C" << endl;

/* operator< */

  if (C<D)
    cout << "C is less than D" << endl;
    cout << "C is not less than D" << endl;

/* operator<= */

  if (C<D)
    cout << "C is less than or equal to D" << endl;
    cout << "C is not less than or equal to D" << endl;


Program Output is:

A = ( 10 , 3.14 )
B = ( 18 , 3.14 )
C = ( 10 , 6.28 )
D = ( 10 , 3.14 )
A and D are equal
B and C are not equivalent
A is not greater than C
A is not greater than or equal to C
C is not less than D
C is not less than or equal to D