New ATL Features

Add Message Handler for ATL

You can use ClassView or WizardBar to add message handlers for any ATL class that wraps a window. This is similar to adding a message handler to an MFC class. You can also access this command from the context menu in the resource editor (Events).

This feature supports creating both message handlers and event handlers.

This feature is only supported by ClassView and WizardBar, not ClassWizard; you cannot use ClassWizard to invoke this command for ATL classes or ATL dialog boxes.

For more information, see Adding a Message Handler.

ATL Composite Control

This control, based on a dialog template, can itself host multiple controls.

For more information, see Composite Control Fundamentals.

DHTML Control Added to the ATL Object Wizard

The ATL Object Wizard enables you to create a DHTML control; you can create the user interface for a control by having the wizard generate dynamic HTML. For example, the interface for a control could consist of three buttons on an HTML page.

For more information, see ATL Support for DHTML Controls.

ATL Support for Developing MMC Snap-in Tools

The ATL Object Wizard provides support for developing Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins. Your MMC snap-ins provide Windows NT system administrators with integrated tools, which you have designed for a specific task.

For more information, see MMC Snap-In Wizard.

Data Access Support in the ATL Object Wizard

There is a new category in the ATL Object Wizard called "Data Access." This new category contains two wizards: Consumer and Provider.

For more information, see Creating an OLE DB Consumer and Creating an OLE DB Template Provider.

ATL Support in MFC Projects

There is now greater interoperability between MFC- and ATL-based projects, including support for adding an ATL object to an MFC project. To add ATL support to your MFC project, click New ATL Object on the Insert menu. Click YES to confirm adding ATL support.

For more information, see Adding ATL Support to Your MFC Project

Implementing a Connection Point Is More Automated

To generate a connection point, right-click a class (in ClassView) that implements the BEGIN_COM_MAP macro and choose Implement Connection Point from the shortcut menu. In Visual C++ 5.0, you implemented connection points with the ATL Proxy Generator, which has been removed.

For more information, see Adding Connection Points to an Object.

Implement Interface Wizard

This new feature automates implementing an interface from a typelib. You select an interface from a type library, and the wizard adds stubbed-out functions for the interface and wires up the ATL-specific requirements.

For more information, see Adding a New Interface to an Existing Object or Control.