CSnapInItemImpl Class Members

CSnapInItemImpl Constructs a CSnapInItemImpl object.

AddMenuItems Adds menu items to a context menu.
Command Called by the console when a custom menu item is selected.
CreatePropertyPages Adds pages to the property sheet of the snap-in.
FillData Copies information on the snap-in object into a specified stream.
GetResultViewType Determines the type of view used by the result pane.
GetScopePaneInfo Retrieves the SCOPEDATAITEM structure of the snap-in.
GetResultPaneInfo Retrieves the RESULTDATAITEM structure of the snap-in.
Notify Called by the console to notify the snap-in of actions taken by the user.
SetMenuInsertionFlags Modifies the menu insertion flags for a snap-in object.
SetToolbarButtonInfo Sets the information of the specified toolbar button.
UpdateMenuState Updates the state of a context menu item.
UpdateToolbarButton Updates the state of the specified toolbar button.

Data Members
m_bstrDisplayName The name of the snap-in object.
m_scopeDataItem The Windows SCOPEDATAITEM structure used by the CSnapInItemImpl object.
m_resultDataItem The Windows RESULTDATAITEM structure used by the CsnapInItemImpl object.

CSnapInItemImpl Overview