
HRESULT GetSchemas( ULONG * pcSchemas, GUID ** prgSchemas, ULONG** prgRest );

This method returns an array of all of the schema rowsets supported by the provider. See IDBSchemaRowset::GetSchemas in the Platform SDK.



[out] A pointer to a ULONG that is filled in with the number of schemas.


[out] A pointer to an array of GUIDs that is filled with a pointer to an array of schema rowset GUIDs.


[out] A pointer to an array of ULONGs that is to be filled with the restriction array.


The implementation of this function requires the user to have a schema map in their session class. Using the schema map information, it then responds with the array of GUIDs for the schemas in the map. This represents the schemas supported by the provider.

IDBSchemaRowsetImpl OverviewIDBSchemaRowsetImpl Class Members

See Also

IDBSchemaRowsetImpl::GetRowset, IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset, Schema Rowset Classes and Typedef Classes