
template <class T>
class ATL_NO_VTABLE IServiceProviderImpl : public IServiceProvider



Your class, derived from IServiceProviderImpl.

The IServiceProvider interface locates a service specified by its GUID and returns the interface pointer for the requested interface on the service. Class IServiceProviderImpl provides a default implementation of this interface.

IServiceProviderImpl specifies one method: QueryService, which creates or accesses the specified service and returns an interface pointer to the specified interface for the service.

IServiceProviderImpl uses a service map, starting with BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP and ending with END_SERVICE_MAP.

The service map contains two entries: SERVICE_ENTRY, which indicates a specified service id (SID) supported by the object, and SERVICE_ENTRY_CHAIN, which calls QueryService to chain to another object.

#include <atlcom.h>

Class Members