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By default, most IntelliSense options appear automatically. You can turn off any of the automatic options so that they occur "on demand," so to speak. In this case, you invoke them only when you want, via a menu command or keystroke combination.
Even when the IntelliSense options are on by default, you can always explicitly invoke them. You can also change the default key mappings for each option.
Turn off automatic IntelliSense options
Invoke IntelliSense with a menu command
Invoke IntelliSense options from the keyboard
Change default IntelliSense key mappings
To turn off automatic IntelliSense options
To invoke IntelliSense with a menu command
To invoke IntelliSense options from the keyboard
The following are default key mappings for the IntelliSense options:
To change default key mappings for IntelliSense options
Use the Press new shortcut key box to specify your new key mapping, then click Assign.