Working in the Project Explorer

When you are working with database projects, the Project Explorer allows you to manage queries and SQL scripts. Queries and scripts become part of your project and are stored with other database project files. The Project Explorer displays queries and SQL scripts under the node representing the database in which you created them, as shown in the following figure.

Note   In Microsoft® Visual C++®, the Project Explorer is called FileView. From FileView, you can manage queries in much the same way as you can in the Project Explorer. For more information, see FileView in the Visual C++ documentation.

By double-clicking, dragging and dropping, and using the right-click features, you can open, create, and edit your queries and SQL scripts from the Project Explorer.

For information about See
Creating, running, and editing queries Managing Queries in the Project Explorer
Creating SQL scripts, including stored procedure scripts, trigger scripts, view scripts, and table scripts. Working with SQL Scripts