Connecting to a Proxy Server

If your system allows you to connect to the proxy server, you can connect to it using Microsoft® Visual InterDev™. You might want to work on Internet Web applications on a Web server outside of your intranet. For example, you might need to change some Web files located on a Web server beyond your corporate firewall.

With Visual InterDev, you can connect to the proxy server in order to access the Internet. The specific connection and capabilities available to you depend on the system you are working on and the one you want to connect to.

You can either specify that the project use the same proxy settings as the Internet settings for the operating system or you can specify a different proxy server.

To specify the same proxy server as operating system

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Options.

  2. In the Options dialog box, choose Projects and then Web Proxy Settings.

  3. On the Web Project Proxy tab, select Use system settings.

The settings for the system appear on the tab, but are read-only. To change the actual setting, you need to change the Internet settings for the operating system. For example, if you were using Windows NT Workstation, then you would go to the Control Panel and change the proxy server settings in the Internet Properties dialog box.

If you do not want to use the same proxy server as the operating system, you can specify a different one for the Web project to use.

To specify a proxy server for only the Web project

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Options.

  2. In the Options dialog box, choose Projects and then Web Proxy Settings.

  3. On the Web Project Proxy tab, clear Use system settings.

  4. Enter the name of the proxy server you want to use in the HTTP Proxy box.

  5. In the List of hosts without proxy box, enter any IP addresses for servers that you want to access without going through the proxy server.

  6. Select the Do not use proxy server for local (intranet) address box, if you want local addresses to be processed without using the proxy server.

Note   When you create or copy a Web application, you can specify the target Web server using either the server name or by explicitly entering its IP address. If using the IP address instead of the name, and it is a local or Intranet address, you need to enter the IP address in the List of hosts without proxy box. Although an IP address may identify a local address, IP addresses are sometimes processed through the proxy server anyway and may generate an authentication error.

Visual InterDev uses the Web project proxy server that you specify only for operations on files in the Web project. You can separately specify a proxy server to be used by a Web browser. If you want to specify a proxy server for Microsoft® Internet Explorer, you can do so on the Connection tab of the Internet Explorer Internet Options dialog box.