Previewing Pages

While editing HTML or ASP pages, you can easily check your progress by previewing the page.

To preview a page you are editing

When you preview a page, you see how the page would appear in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0. However, because you are previewing the page locally, there are certain limitations:

To get around these limitations, view the page directly in a browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.

To preview a page in a browser

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the file.

  2. From the View menu, choose View in Browser.

If you are working locally, a local copy of the file is opened by the default browser. You can also preview the page in a different browser, or change the default browser.

To preview a page in a different browser

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the file.

  2. From the View menu, choose Browse With.

  3. In the Browse With dialog box, select a browser.

    If you have a browser installed on your machine that is not listed in the dialog box, you can add it to the list by clicking Add.

Note   You can change the default browser in the Browse With dialog box by selecting a browser from the list and then choosing Set as Default.